Sunday 15 August 2010

10 Things You Should Know About Depression

Always feeling under the weather? Always not in the mood to be around others and have a good time? If you're suffering from prolonged sadness for quite some time now, you should face these bouts of depression and get yourself diagnosed by a psychiatrist, they're doctors who can actually help you out with your problem. Here are 10 Things You Should Know About Depression.

1. In the US alone, depression affects an approximate of 10 million citizens every year. An estimation of 1 out of 4 adults is said to have experienced depression throughout their existence. When it comes to treating depressed women, antidepressants and psychotherapy are commonly used - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs to be particular. Both of these methods can effectively deal with mild to moderate depression.

2. Genuine depression is more than a mood. It's a mental illness brought on by a physical cause, a psychological cause, or both. Major depression is an extreme condition where there is no interest in activities of daily life, like eating, personal hygiene...even getting out of bed, and may be accompanied by attempts at suicide. When it's that extreme, psychiatric care and medication are almost always required. Chances are, someone suffering from major depression would not be interested in reading this article or taking any actions to recover. So this article is written for and to those less extreme cases, where you know something is wrong and want to find some things you can do to aid in recovery.

3. Anxiety depression is actually characterized by all sorts of irregularities and erratic behavior from the person who is suffering from it, this is usually due to certain stress triggers that may tend to easily cause a person undue jitters and stress. Also, a lot of people who tend to get easily nervous over stressful activities are actually prone to having anxiety depression; it's just a matter of being strong-willed when it comes to facing difficult and stress-prone activities. It may be pretty hard to overcome at first, but trying to be calm and cool in times of extreme pressure is what'll actually save your mental health from going totally downward spiral.

4. Clinical depression or as some might call as 'major' depression, is actually the medical term for depression. Actually clinical depression is more of a disorder rather than an illness since it basically covers only those who are suffering from symptoms related to depression. Clinical depression is how doctors usually refer to "depression" when giving a diagnose of their patient. It's basically just a medical term.

5. There's a wide variety of anti-depressant depression medications available to help treat those who are suffering from depressive disorders. The more popular ones are those that are of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs variant then there are the tricyclics while the other popular variant is the monoamine oxidase inhibitors or MAOIs. These depression medications (the SSRIs variant as well as the other newer depression medication available in the market) actually to be a much safer alternative than the tricyclics, since they have fewer side-effects as opposed to the tricyclics depression medication variant.

6. Manic depression or Bi polar manic depression is a serious medical condition that causes alterations in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. Unlike the typical mood swings a normal person experiences, the symptoms of bi polar manic depression are much more severe. It often attacks when a person experiences an unusually great deal of stress, whether from work, school or family. Research also suggest that Bi polar manic depression could be hereditary, or that there may be a physical problem with the brain systems that control our mood. For women, it can also be triggered by childbirth or during menopause.

7. The majority people with depression never look for help, although the majority will react to treatment. Treating depression is above all important because it affects you, your family, and your work. Some people with depression try to harm themselves in the false belief that their feeling will never changes.

8. By eating the right, you can boost your brain chemicals and fight off the effects of depression. Extreme sugar levels can also cause brain cells to die and the chemicals to decrease production, once again allowing depression to set in. When people get depressed, their appetite is also affected and they eat too much or not enough. Proper diet can help you maintain not only your weight, but also keep depression away.

9. Antidepressants prescribed for depression work by slowing down the absorption of neurotransmitters in the brain. These chemicals are what help the brain function normally and they are directly involved in influencing a person's mood, appetite, concentration, sleeping, and pain receptors. The medication restores the chemical balance in the brain and eases the symptoms the patient is suffering from.

10. Depression and its normal symptoms should not be ignored. It is an abnormal emotional state that can be introduced by severe sadness, despair and discouragement. It might even lead to a lamentable outcome. However, treating it can be done in many ways.

My name is David and I am a freak of lists. That's why I build the 10 about site. If you want to learn more "10 things you should know" about different topics just come to

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