Wednesday 4 August 2010

Best Depression Cures - Finding What is Right For You to Help You Start Again

Why do you think depressed people are so unhappy with their standard conventional anti depressants such as Xanax, Zoloft and Prozac? Why do they take so long to get over depression, if they ever do? These are rather important questions and they must be answered. Let me try and answer them in this article as we look at the best depression cures.

Not a great success rate.
Let me tell you why the best depression cures may not be the anti depressants for some other reasons apart from the ones I have mentioned above. First the success rate of these medications is not great and there is strong likelihood that the depression can return in about 70% of cases. Secondly, the side effects can take over the person's life. If you are a man, you can experience a loss of sex drive which is demoralizing and can lead to even more depression. Then there are all the side effects to do with weight loss or gain, grogginess and that terrible sense of fatigue which never seems to leave depressed patients.

Serotonin is not the whole story
Another reason why these may not be the best depression cures is that doctors and scientists have homed in on the serotonin brain chemical which is responsible mainly for our good moods or lack of them. It is a pity that they did not focus their research ALSO on the two other brain chemicals, norepinephrine and dopamine..

Serotonin is not the only chemical which can govern our moods, feelings and confidence. The others all play a part too. In addition, another complication raises its ugly head in that serotonin also controls sex and appetite, hence the problems with libido and weight gain.

Could therapy be the answer?
I know depressed patients who regard therapy, counselling and meditation as being the best depression solution. This is arguable and every patient has to find the right balance.

One of the best depression cures in my view is one where the patient is able to recognize his problems and can take initial steps to address certain lifestyle changes. These can be diet, exercise, dealing with sleep challenges and so on.

But many patients who are on anti depressants unfortunately never get that far. They may be superficially in a good mood but they can never get to grips with their condition.

Once a patient can decide that there is a problem, then he can start with the help of loved ones to resolve the issues. Very often, the herbal remedies for depression are overlooked. The clinical trials with St. John's Wort are impressive in that they perform equally well,if not better, than the classic anti depressants. Could this be the best depression solution for you? Why not visit my website to find out some more.

Depression CAN be treated successfully. Discover more about the best depression cures. Why not visit the website: Robert Locke has written extensively on Mental Health for many years.

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