Tuesday 12 April 2011

Diet causing Depression?

Is it possible that your diet is causing you to be in depression? Or is that just one more thing to be depressed about?

Did you know that recent research has revealed a strong link between depression and yeast overgrowth, especially amongst people who have had long courses of antibiotics, experience persistent, unresolved digestive problems, and often experience yeast infections such as Thrush.

How could this be? Are they related in any way, and if so, which comes first, the depression or the yeast overgrowth symptoms.

First it is important to say that current science is not in agreement that there is a direct causal link between the two conditions. But, let's follow the possible pathway to see if it feels familiar for you or someone you know.

The symptoms of yeast overgrowth, or Candidiasis, are not always obvious to begin with, and you may simply be feeling not quite well, suffering some mild form of the conditions we've come to learn indicate a yeast problem. Simple discomforts as bloating after eating, minor aches and pains that don't go away, perhaps, mild diarrhea, all of which are a good indicator of Candida overgrowth. Not recognised for what they are, they only get worse, and the resultant craving for more sugar and more carbohydrates is the worst thing for your body.

Because you don't realize what is going on your diet is most likely to get worse as you feed your cravings, and before long you are developing nutritional deficiencies leading to changes to your hormonal system. These changes further weaken your immune system, as well as producing a flood of brain chemicals, which eventually disturb the normal balance of your mood-regulating chemicals in your brain.

So, on top of not feeling your best physically, your brain is operating in an increased state of anxiety and depression. Does this mean if you have Candidiasis you will also suffer depression? Not necessarily. Latest genome research has identified a specific gene related to depression. If you have the gene, then under the right conditions, you are likely to be depressed. If you don't have the gene, you may have less of a depressed reaction. The important issue is that an overgrowth of candida yeast can very quickly create the right conditions for significant changes in the functioning of your brain.

This may not be exactly how your traditional doctor views depression and yeast. You would most likely be told that there's no scientific connection. But the evidence of individuals who suffer from both yeast overgrowth and depression is overwhelming, and in most cases the experience of these people is that there depression is relieved once they begin an anti-yeast regimen.

The best part about yeast as a possible cause, is that there are no downsides to tackling yeast overgrowth. You will feel physically and emotionally healthier within weeks. So what is there to lose?

Graham Forbes is an educator, writer, entrepreneur and innovator with a wide experience in health and education and is a passionate believer in empowering people through information and education.

To learn more about candida cure visit his site at http://endyeastintolerance.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Graham_Forbes

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6155837

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