Sunday 17 April 2011

feel better despite the wrather

Start the day with meditation

If you look out of the window every morning, and let the weather set the tone of the day, you're destined for depression (living in the wet west of Britain, anyway!) Instead, lift your mood with some meditation. Keep a candle near your bed, and when you wake, sit up in bed and light the candle. Spend five minutes looking at the flame, breathing gently through your nose, and feel sensations of calmness and joy filling your body and mind. Then get on with your day, in a better mood!

There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes...

Working at a Yoga centre in Snowdonia, I never go anywhere without my waterproof jacket and trousers. That way, I definitely walk each day, no matter whether it's pouring or sunny. So often we can be put off by a little precipitation, but why not see rain as refreshing, snow as soothing and wind as wonderful? Our Australian visitors at the Snowdonia centre always marvel about how revitalizing the wet weather is and how beautiful the green valley is. It's all a matter of attitude!

Get into nature

The great outdoors has a fantastic mood -lifting effect. Green spaces have been shown to reduce incidence of depression, and even just looking at a tree can make people heal faster after surgery. So ensure that you have at least a 10 minute walk in a green space every day, preferably in daylight, for optimum mood-lifting. Why not take your lunch outside and eat it in the park or garden? Eating al fresco doesn't have to be limited to summer - just wrap up warm and out you go!

Have a strong daily yoga practice

Yoga is one of the best forms of feel-good exercise around, but it's sometimes easy to forget to practise when life gets a bit challenging. Dru Yoga is particularly effective lifting mood and reducing stress. In a recent study of Bangor university employees, researchers reported an improvement in mood after practising yoga every week for 6 weeks. They found it easier to cope under stress and felt greater confidence after the flowing yoga, compared to a control group. I recommend the flowing Sun sequence or Energy Block Release 1 for an instant mood lift.

I'm singing in the rain

You may look silly, but singing is one of the fastest ways to banish the blues. Many yogis enjoy chanting mantras along with kirtan masters like Krishna Das or Snatam Kaur. Choirs are gaining in popularity - so no matter what your style is - singing in the shower or with an orchestra - sing for at least five minutes every day.

In Europe, we can't change the weather but we can certainly change our reactions to it, and stay happy come rain or shine.

Jane Clapham is a Dru Yoga and Meditation teacher, and trains people to become meditation teachers in the glorious surroundings of Snowdonia, in North Wales, UK. She also leads meditation retreats and holidays in the celtic mountains of Wales and worldwide. Contact her at to be included in the newsletter from Dru worldwide, which includes yoga and stress-busting tips. For more information about Dru Yoga and meditation, visit You'll find yoga classes, yoga holidays and yoga training courses which are taught in the UK, North America, Netherlands and Australia. Have a stress-free day!

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